Eva Visco

Height 5’2”                   Weight 105 lbs                           Blonde Hair                  Blue Eyes 


The Playboy Murders, Kelsey Turner Judy Earp (supporting) Investigative Discovery Show

I’d Kill For You                                         Judy Craven (supporting)                            Peacock Productions

True Crimes With Aphrodite Jones       Donna (supporting)                                      Peacock Productions

 A Crime To Remember                          Head Nurse                                                  Peacock Productions

Mysteries at the Museum                       Queen Elizabeth & 1920’s Woman            The Travel Channel

Monsters Inside Me                                 Patient / Surgeon                                        Ottoman Productions

On The Case With Paula Zahn                Victim's Wife                                               Paula Zahn


The Smiler Smiler Killer, Lead Alphabet City Films

Mirrors Leona, lead Narrow Bridge Productions

Girl In The Basement                             Sister Maggie                                            Narrow Bridge Productions

The Butcher Man Laura Galentino Narrow Bridge Productions

Don’t Look Back Twilight Narrow Bridge Productions

Clean Up! Mrs. Hayes Narrow Bridge Productions

Distancing Monologues Sixty And Up! Narrow Bridge Productions

Music Video “Unruly” Dancing Woman at the Bank Vivio Foreign

Simulated Theory                                   Giorgia                                                          Diabla Productions

Trapped                                                   Court Appointed Attorney                           Diabla Productions

Loose Threads                                        Caro, lead female)                 An Acres & Carmelle Kendall

State Of The Union                                 Kay Thorndyke, supporting                         Jeremy Halpern

Life On Pause Mrs. Peterson, supporting Gee Whiz Films

Contraction                                               Mary,lead                                                    Yining Huang

Radical Valentine                                     Homeless Woman On Train                          Ali Matlock

Don't Schmuck It Up! Ep 5 & 6             Colby Ardente, supporting            Millenial Ethics Prodctions

Imaginary, Episode 1                              Barb, supporting           Britt & Molly Productions  

The Talk                                                   Carrie Reeves,supporting            SVA Production

Girls Will Be Mrs. Roberts, supporting SVA

Kaddish Rabbitzin, supporting Image Maker Films

Denim Principal Carter, Supporting Fatking Productions

The Trunk Felicia Smith, supporting Still on Still Productions

Statue Of An Angel                                 Landlady, supporting                                Image Maker Films

El Malei Rachmin                                      Religious Woman                                            Image Maker films

Second Chance                                       The Mother, supporting      Broke Gorilla Productions

Teaching Class                                        Ms. Jane, supporting                   Alphabet City Films

Gimmee a Grandkid                                Dorothy, lead         Flounderland Films

The Chuck Nice Show                             Model, Guest                                                   Cinematherapy

Shrinks                                                     Eva (insane patient)                                         Gregg Brown Productions, LLC

Proud Iza                                                 Eva (wealthy patron)                                          Fern Films Productions


Leigh Valentine Product Shoot. Mature Face Model. Shore Brand Media

Yalber Commerail Main Voter, Laed Madler Media Inc

Publishers Clearing House Featured Excited Observer PCH Productions

Blue Man Online Ad                              Lesbian Couple                    Blue Man Productions

WoodHaven Kitchens                            Grandma                               RDA Productions

Ortega Taco                                           Grandma                                Vayner Productions

Meyer's Products Spec                          Excited Church Goer             Conner Reddan



Theatre/off Broadway/off-off Broadway

The Portrait Of Mrs. Hopper Mrs. Hopper, lead Lululemon Loft, NYC

Sketch Of New York Various Characters The Producers’ Cu

Kiss Amanda Simmons Theater For The New City

4th U Shattering The Silence               Bella Abzug                                                           4th U Artvists

Eleemosynary                                       Dorothea , lead                                                       The Producers' Club

Trifles                                                     Mrs. Peters (nervous, wiry woman, supporting)   The Beckmann

The Insanity of Mary Girard                  Mrs. Lum (stern mother) / Fury (spirit)                    Steven Barrett

Chamber Music                                     Mrs. Mozart (insane patient, supporting)             Steven Barrett

Spotlight                                                Vicky (hopeless romantic, monologue)                The June Havoc

Broken Boundaries                               LaDonna ( guilty suspect, monologue)                The  June Havoc

Big People, Little People                      Mrs. Bakerman (loving mother)                             The Flea Theatre

A Doll’s House                                        Anne-Marie (straight-laced nanny)                        Le Wilhelm

The Libation Bearers                              Lead Chorus Member (fury)                                 Le Wilhelm

Love & Humor                                          Wynona (wacky woman)                                      The June Havoc

Pie Supper                                                Cleo (mid-western housewife, supporting)         Love Creek Productions

People in the Wind                                    Grace (southern waitress,supporting)                45th Street Theatre

Memory of Summer                                 Viola (aging beauty, lead)                                      45th Street Theatre

Your Place or Mine                                    Peggy (quirky single woman, led)                       The Producer’s Club

Josefina & Minerva                                  Josefina (frustrated sister, lead)                            Manhattan Repertory Theatre

Storm Across the Sky                               Antonia (passionate adulterous mother, lead female)     Manhattan Repertory Theatre

Tiger, Tiger                                               Pearl (abusive mother), lead female                   Theatre for the New City

Tamur Lenk                                               Mrs. Anderson (colorful psychic, supporting)      Theatre for the New City

Vagina Monologues                                 Hair Monologue (disenchanted divorcée)           Agni Gallery

The 4th Zoa                                              Gertrude (independent woman, lead female)     Bonnie Cole

The Christmas Verse                                Lydia (religious woman,lead)                               Steven Barrett

A Friend Named Ted                                Margie (lonely widow, lead)                                  Blue Pearl Theatrics

Richard Fisher's Funeral                           Jayna (devoted grieving girlfriend,supporting)     Love Creek Productions

Health Nuts                                                Nancy (extreme health nut, leda female)            Steven Barrett

It's Okay Honey                                         Nancy ( overzealous mom, supporting)               The Producers' Club

Betwixt                                                       Granny Gilmore (protective granny, lead)            The Producer's Club

A Departure                                                Anna ( domineering wife,lead)                             Bradley Cooper

Cherry Blend With Vanilla                           Ada (devoted widow, lead)                                  Love Creek Productions

Milagros, Santa & The Light                       Malcreada (adulterous wife, supporting)             Yolanda Rodriguez

Dramatizing Dante                                      Satan & Sinner 1, supporting                                                   Manhattan Theatre Source

The Diers                                                    Sally (terminally ill patient)                                     Where Eagles Dare


4 week Film & TV                              Dani Super                                    The Actors Connection

3 Week, Dying For the Camera        Pamela Kramer                             The ActorsConnection

3 Week,The Art Of Auditioning         Rob Decina                                   The Actors Connection

5 Week Commercial Class                Barry Shapiro                                  The Actors Connection

Commercial 4 Week Class                 David Bellatoni                               One On One

Two Day Intensive, Film & TV             Marci Phillips                                 One On One

TV, FIlm Improv 5 Week Class            Brett Goldstein                              The Actors Connection

Monologue Perfection                          Paul Fouquet                                The Actors Connection

Commercial Improv Intensive               Barry Shapiro           The Actors Connection

Accents                                                   Paul Liberti                                     The Actors Connection

Advanced Film Scene Study                  Bill Hopkins                                    The Camera Lab NYC

Acting With The Mic                                Maggie Phillips                               The Actors Connection

Monologue Method                                The Actors Project NYC                  Studios 150

Film Essentials                                          Mark Stolzenberg                            The Ny Acting School For Film & TV

Advanced Film Acting                              Bill Hopkins                                       Weist Barron Studios

Acting With the Camera                            Sam Groom                                       HB Studios

Film Acting                                                Corey Parker                                       HB Studios

Technique & Scene Study                        Trudy Steibl                                         HB Studios

Commercial Technique                             Stephanie Artuso & Jeremy Russell         Scott Powers Studio

Audition Technique                                   Jenevieve Brewer                                       Scott Powers Studio

Advanced Commercials                             Jerry Coyle & Batt Johnson                       Weist Barron Studios

Intro To Commercials                                 Ed Ferron & Frank Spencer                       Weist Barron Studios

Cold Reading for Film & TV                       Valerie Adami                                               Weist Barron Studios

Speaking Voice                                           Lenore Harris                                                 HB Studios

Character Development                               Ken Wolf                                                        Manhattan Rep Theater

TFTNC Combined Workshop                      Lenore Harris                                                  Lissa Moira

Acting Shakespeare                                     Steven Skybell                                                HB Studio



Accents (Southern, British, European Jewish), Dance (Club, Modern, Mid-Eastern & have costume), Athletics (Runner, Zumba, Pilates, Yoga, Body Pump, Aerobics), International Traveler (Israel, France, Austria, England, Italy, Spain), Basic Piano (reads music), Retired Kindergarten & Music Teacher (great with kids), valid passport & drivers' license